About GlobalBake.
Producing outstanding baked goods is part-art and part-science. It is a challenging mix of efficient production processes, good quality systems, managing labor, product innovation, reducing wastage and more. All on the modest margins that are typical in the industry. Baking companies use GlobalBake software to introduce greater simplicity into their business and enjoy the improved efficiency and enhanced profitability that results. It is used by manufacturing bakers to gain more control over their business, helping them to manage all aspects of their operations, from inventory, manufacturing, product development to sales forecasting and management, customer service and accounting.
A Formula for EfficiencyGlobalBake is a proven solution for improving the efficiency of manufacturing bakers, from those using complex artisan techniques through to large plant bakeries with multiple production lines. GlobalBake's customers have simplified the management of their business and gained control in a number of ways. Improve control and utilization of inventory
Reduce the high capital expense and accompanying risk of managing inventory in both ingredients and finished products. GlobalBake provides:
- The ability to compare actual versus theoretical usage of raw materials and hence determine efficiency of recipes etc.
- Full purchase and usage history visibility giving raw data for supplier price negotiations.
- Automated reorder levels based on defined on-hand levels and requirements of future orders.
Tighten production efficiency
Capture information that enables you to identify inefficiencies in production processes. GlobalBake provides:
- An ability to compare yield at end of production line (actual as measured) versus expected output
(theoretical from recipes/inputs).
- Recording and reporting of wastage in the production process.
- Visibility to stock on hand, orders to be filled and capacities of production lines to improve scheduling efficiency.
Strengthen sales resultsMatch supply to demand more closely, achieving not just fewer returns (stales/buy-back) but reduce the likelihood of shortages. GlobalBake provides:
- Forecasting based on previous order/usage history that flows into production planning, with the
flexibility to override for exceptional conditions.
- Impact analysis based on sales history and ”whatif“ planning.
- An ability to easily compare production costs to sales results.
Reduce administrative effort
Especially in larger manufacturing organizations, GlobalBake can deliver an immediate return by reducing the need for manual administration. GlobalBake provides:
- Greater processing speed. For example the system can generate Purchase Orders for needed stock, a
single click turns a Purchase Order into Receipt of Goods, another click turns a receipt into a Creditor Invoice and all creditors can be paid with a simple process.
- Efficient Sales Order entry whether they are standing, shadow or special orders. Specifically designed for the unique needs of the food sector.
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